clients & public art collections
- city of culver city, art in public places program
- city of pasadena, arts & cultural affairs division
- city of scottsdale, scottsdale public art
- city of san francisco, san francisco arts commission
- city of san jose, office of cultural affairs
- city of santa monica, cultural affairs division
- city of seattle, office of arts and culture
- city of west hollywood, urban art program
- la county arts commission
development companies:
- gpi companies
- greystar
- hanover company
merge have demonstrated the exemplary talent to bring together under one umbrella: art, architecture and consideration to community context. their public art projects are underscored by a commitment to their creation of more comfortable visual environments, promotion of local neighborhoods and bridging of cultural differences.
for metro, merge infused color, life and sophistication to the cal state la and the la county+usc medical center stations and accompanying pedestrian bridges spanning interstate 10 as part of the modernization efforts for the el monte transit way.
on all three projects claudia and franka provided outstanding artistic concepts that were keenly in tune for their locations, overcame difficulties and the complexities of working in the transit system to produce high quality customer environments within time and budget.
the BRT stops would never have been as beautiful as we now know they will be. what we have now is a combination of great design representing many histories of this community. we expect this work will create much interest locally and beyond. the entire process from beginning to where we are today, brought us closer together as a community and it was interesting, educational, exciting, and fun.
another challenge in this project was that they had to work with our sub-contractors, who had not previously worked with public artists to execute the artwork. franka and claudia developed practical construction details, communicated their ideas in construction meetings and negotiated solutions without losing sight of their artistic intent. they were a pleasure to work with and very professional in their approach to the project and the artwork.
their background as artists infuses the process with an artist’s awareness of creative possibilities, resulting in versatile, site-responsive, exciting, beautiful and deeply intelligent work.
working with your team was a pleasure. it is always comfortable to find artists with such attention to detail, creativity and problem-solving skills packaged with such nice personalities.
fun work. we are happy to have you in our collection.