both king street station shelters are located in front of the mexican heritage plaza, and its school of arts and culture. this important neighborhood institution is instrumental in keeping mexican and native american heritage, art forms, and traditions alive. we choose the traditional mexican folk art of papel picado to create the patterns at these two shelters. papel picado is a paper cut usually made from tissue paper that is commonly displayed for both secular and religious occasions.

patterns at king road eastbound evoke indigenous traditions, both aztec and ohlone in their origin. dancers, drums, and other artefacts as seen at the local azteca mexica new year held annually at emma prusch farm park, and at día de los muertos celebrations, inspired the patterns. these patterns were furthermore enhanced with traditional aztec ornaments and symbols. papel picado patterns were designed in collaboration with local artist rick moreno.

information provided by tamara alvarado at the school of arts and culture at mexican heritage plaza